Create and Earn from Masternode

You can have steady Zero coin income by creating Zero Masternode and securing Zero blockchain.

10,000 ZER per 1 masternode
Hosting (5 gb storage, 512 mb memory)
Zero core wallet downloaded and synced on your pc (~5 gb local storage).

Follow this link to read live Node Earnings
1 Node hosting will costs you ~$1 per month.

Pecuniaplatform: It's best place to create masternode for Zero coin and make it ready in just few steps.
You will still own your address private key and no need to share it with anyone while creating masternode.

How to create Zero masternode?

Step 1: Install Zero core wallet
Download Zero core wallet, here is direct link for Windows
sync Zero blockchain on your pc (~5 gb local storage required).
It would take ~8 hours and up to 24 hours to fully sync Zero blockchain (depending on your internet connection and pc rams).

Step 2: Send 10,000 ZER to your address
You have to make one transaction with 10,000 output. The address with 10,000 input will be your masternode address which will receive rewards.
Here is example transaction for masternode t1R3BDoFap4yVVpxTCPxEnfoBnC5w52sg5T.

Step 3: Create masternode on Pecuniaplatform (~$1 monthly)
Visit, You will have to pay ~$1 monthly for one masternode.
After signup and funding your account with balance. from the dashboard, click on "Host".

Select "Zero" from the list, pickup time you want to keep your masternode running (plan), and click on "Proceed".

Write transaction ID which contains the moved 10,000 ZER to your address.
Transaction could has 2 ore more outputs, choose index related to masternode address which has 10,000 ZER amount.

Take quick review for the info, make sure your wallet address which holding 10,000 ZER appears and is correct. then click on Continue

Your masternode will appear in blue color written syncing, it will takes about 1 hour to be in orange color and show 'waiting for confirmation'.

Step 4: Activate masternode from your Zero core wallet
Open Zero Core Wallet and wait until it is fully synced.

Info 1 should give you similar to attached picture, connected and lateast block number is written.
Then import your masternode wallet address into your Zero core wallet. you can do this from File > Import Private key.
Wait few mintes (5 to 20 minutes) till it write you message on bottom left corner "Private Key Import Completed", see info 2 location in attached picture.

To activate your Zero masternode, click on 'ZeroNodes' tab in your zero core wallet, then click 'New ZN'
You will need to copy your Zero masternode details from pecuniaplatform hosting, to your Zero core wallet.

to see details from pecuniaplatform, from Dashboard, click on three Dots and then click on 'Config' for masternode you want to activate.

click on tab on top right corner to see your masternode details.
copy all details from pecuniaplatform to your zero core wallet 'New ZN' message box.

Alias = ALIAS
IP Address = IP
Private Key = MN PRIVATE KEY
Port = PORT
Output = TXID
then click 'Update'.

You will have to restart your zero core wallet, just close and open it again, wait little till it re-sync again.

Now from your 'MasterNodes' tabs, right click by mouse on your added masternode, click 'Start'.

It will takes few minutes (10 to 15) till stats get updated on pecuniaplatform hosting,
your masternode color will be changed from yellow (waiting confirmation) to green (waiting to be added to the list)
and another few minutes to start receiving ZERO rewards.